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What does 'it applies to' mean?

The phrase "it applies to" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you want to indicate that something is applicable to a certain situation, circumstance, or person. For example: "This policy applies to all employees.". In its current form, it applies to any existing loan.

What is the difference between 'applicable to' and 'applicable for'?

The phrase "applicable to" suggests the speaker suggesting something (mildly, as a third party). 'Applicable for' means the speaker emphasizing on something which was permissible to you (by law or by ethics). For example, "British Statutes Applicable to India".

What is the difference between 'applicable to a grant' and 'applicable to the grant'?

"Applicable for the grant" is sure to be correct speaking of organizations and people who may apply and hope to win it, "applicable to the grant" sounds more like something that refers to the grant itself. Of course, this is quite a particular case and... am I right?

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